Attorney-at-law Michał Matuszak, PhD.

He has many years of professional experience gained in the reputed Warsaw lawyer’s offices. He is a specialist in the field of labour law and sports law. He has represented clients for many years in unprecedented litigations and advises natural and legal persons in complicated factual circumstances. He represents clients before the courts of all instances and conducts various trainings and seminars.He completed legal apprenticeship in the Bar Association in Warsaw, and was then registered on the role of active lawyers.

He is an author of various scientific articles in the field of labour law, sports law and was a lecturer during over a dozen international and All-Poland scientific conferences. He defended doctoral dissertation entitled „Sports employment agreement” prepared in the Department of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lodz University. He conducted classes for students at the Lodz University, Lazarski University in Warsaw and at the Wszechnica Polska University in Warsaw. The subjects of classes included, among others, the issues of: labour law, administrative proceedings or application and interpretation of the law. He is an author of various scientific articles in the field of labour law, sports law and a lecturer during over a dozen international and nationwide scientific conferences.

Attorney-at-law Michał Matuszak, PhD.

He has many years of professional experience gained in the reputed Warsaw lawyer’s offices. He is a specialist in the field of labour law and sports law. He has represented clients for many years in unprecedented litigations and advises natural and legal persons in complicated factual circumstances. He represents clients before the courts of all instances and conducts various trainings and seminars.He completed legal apprenticeship in the Bar Association in Warsaw, and was then registered on the role of active lawyers.

He is an author of various scientific articles in the field of labour law, sports law and was a lecturer during over a dozen international and All-Poland scientific conferences. He defended doctoral dissertation entitled „Sports employment agreement” prepared in the Department of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lodz University. He conducted classes for students at the Lodz University, Lazarski University in Warsaw and at the Wszechnica Polska University in Warsaw. The subjects of classes included, among others, the issues of: labour law, administrative proceedings or application and interpretation of the law. He is an author of various scientific articles in the field of labour law, sports law and a lecturer during over a dozen international and nationwide scientific conferences.

Within only four years, Michał Matuszak graduated from law school at the Lodz University, law school of the school of American law in cooperation with Chicago-Kent College of Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology (2016) and postgraduate studies: management in sport - FIFA/CIES Sport Management Programme at the Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw (2018) and postgraduate studies: protection of personal data and management of information security at the Lazarski University in Warsaw (2019). In 2020, Michał Matuszak defended his doctoral dissertation entitled „Sports employment agreement” prepared in the Department of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lodz University. He was many times a holder of vice-chancellor’s scholarship for the best students and doctoral students.

A member of Polish Labour Law and Social Security Research Network (Cooperante) and Section of Labour Law and Social Security and Section of Sports Law at the District Bar Association in Warsaw.

He can speak English fluently.

Direct contact:
phone: 698-403-305


7th September Meetings with Labour Law in Nieborow, a lecture entitled „Sports employment agreement” organized by at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lodz University on September 13-15, 2019.

1st Conference of Sports Law in Cracow, a lecture entitled „Prospects of employment of athletes in Poland: at the intersection of the law, marketing and finances”, organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University on September 26, 2018.

All-Poland Scientific Conference „Media-Law-Sport” in Lodz, a lecture entitled „Legal opportunities of employment of athletes” organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lodz University on May 15, 2018.

All-Poland Scientific Conference „Legal aspects of commercialization of sport” in Torun, a lecture entitled „Sports contract as a basis of employment of athletes” organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun on May 11, 2018.

All-Poland Conference of Sports Law in Lublin, a lecture entitled „Discrimination in sport illustrated with an example of redefinition of a profession of an athlete” organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University on April 10, 2018.

3rd Scientific Conference of Pomeranian Bar Association in Gdansk „Sports law”- a lecture entitled Catalogue of sources of law in modern sports law organized at the Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski University of Business and Administration on November 9, 2017.

All-Poland Scientific Conference „Law Sport Finances 2017”, a lecture entitled „Financial Fair Play – remedy or utopia?” organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University on April 6-7, 2017.

All-Poland Scientific Conference „Sport and organized crime” a lecture entitled „The relationships and connections between the members of organized criminal groups illustrated with an example of the practice of match fixing” organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun on March 16-17, 2017.

All-Poland Scientific Conference „Socio-economic conditions of activity of the elderly on the labour market”, a lecture entitled „Legal conditions of counteracting discrimination of 50+ people on the labour market” organized at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the Lodz University on March 6, 2017.

All-Poland Scientific Conference „Management of Human Capital – how to use potential of young people entering labour market” in Lodz, a lecture entitled „Legal aspects of freedom of movement of employees: chances and threats for young people entering labour market” organized at the Faculty of Law and Administration on February 26, 2016.


The application of anti-doping rules in the face of modern challenges of sport , Michał Matuszak, 2017, ISBN 978-83-65357-88-5, pages 155-161 [in:] Współczesne aspekty badawcze – Gospodarka-Świat-Człowiek – aspekty teoretyczno praktyczne badań naukowych, część VI, part VI, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia.

The importance and scope of a phenomenon of mobbing in the judicature of Polish courts, Michał Matuszak, 2017, ISBN 978-83-65357-88-5, pages 26-32 [in:] Współczesne aspekty badawcze – Gospodarka-Świat-Człowiek – aspekty teoretyczno praktyczne badań naukowych, część VI, part VI, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia.

The importance of sense of humour as a didactic tool in the processes of individualization and unification, Michał Matuszak, 2017, ISBN 978-83-65357-88-5, pages 36-42 [in:] Współczesne aspekty badawcze – Gospodarka-Świat-Człowiek – aspekty teoretyczno praktyczne badań naukowych, część VI, part VI, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sopha.

The protection of employees in the pre-retirement age group in the judicature of Polish courts, Michał Matuszak, 2017, ISBN 978-83-939177-3-0, str. 102-111 [w:] Zeszyt Naukowy, Instytut Diagnoz i Analiz Społecznych- Stowarzyszenie IDAS 1/2017.

Discrimination on the basis of nationality in European sport: judicature of the European Court of Justice, Michał Matuszak, 2016, ISSN: 2080-4202, pages 13-21 [in:] Wiedza Prawnicza 2/2016.

An analysis of selected exceptions to the freedom of movement of athletes inside the European Union: the issue of national teams, transfer windows and age limits of athletes, 2016, ISBN 978-83-65357-39-7, str. 9-18 [w:] Wybrane aspekty badawcze nauk ekonomicznych i kultury fizycznej tom II Sport. Prawo. Logistyka. Zarządzanie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia

Jurisdictional milestones of TSUE in the context of freedom of movement of athletes, Michał Matuszak, 2016, ISBN 978-83-65357-39-7, pages 19-30 [in:] Wybrane aspekty badawcze nauk ekonomicznych i kultury fizycznej tom II Sport. Prawo. Logistyka. Zarządzanie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia.

An analysis of selected exceptions to the freedom of movement of athletes inside the European Union: the issue of national teams, transfer windows and age limits of athletes, Michał Matuszak, 2016, ISBN 978-83-65357-39-7, str. 9-18 [w:] Wybrane aspekty badawcze nauk ekonomicznych i kultury fizycznej tom II Sport. Prawo. Logistyka. Zarządzanie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia.

The importance of sport in the European Union in the political and economic processes, Michał Matuszak, 2016, ISBN 978-83-65357-32-8, pages 141-152 [in:] Zarządzanie organizacjami w przestrzeni publiczno-prywatnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia.

I firmly believe that the law is more than just regulations. In order to solve legal problems effectively, it is necessary to be curious about the world and people, to be dedicated and understand the processes around us. I use my experience to bring to the courtroom what is best in sports, and in sports disputes I reach for what is most perfect in law. Having a broader perspective we see more.

You're welcome to cooperate,Michał Matuszak, Ph.D, lawyer

I firmly believe that the law is more than just regulations. In order to solve legal problems effectively, it is necessary to be curious about the world and people, to be dedicated and understand the processes around us. I use my experience to bring to the courtroom what is best in sports, and in sports disputes I reach for what is most perfect in law. Having a broader perspective we see more.

You're welcome to cooperate,Michał Matuszak, Ph.D, lawyer